I wanted to produce an intimate sculptural piece that resonates with the cultural of the Pacific Northwest. Additionally I want this piece to be approachable to young collectors, keeping in line with today’s smaller more minimal aesthetic. This piece must be contemporary as well as timeless. Expertly crafted while embodying my personal design sensibility. Allow me to introduce your new Trophy. These are small intimate works that honors you the hunter, the hunter of style, the hunter of glam. No camo no guns no hiding in the brush in the rain waiting to kill something. This is a Trophy you can have for your own. Just unholster your checkbook and pull the trigger. -Oliver
Each of my Trophy skulls are approximately 8 inches in the largest dimension and are produced in an array of colors and designs. I employ silver leaf and striking powders on some and others I let the transparency of the class speak for itself. Each piece is available as a stand alone object or mounted on a stand or wall piece. Please contact me for pricing and availability.

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