Celebrate this Labor Day weekend Tacoma style! Saturday September 4th The Summer Blast hosted by Metro Parks is the PNW outdoor celebration you deserve! It all goes down at the new Dune Peninsula Park at the terminus of Ruston Way. There will be live music from
2:30-8:45 pm on the Cambia Legacy Lawn opening up with DJ ZETA followed by awesome cover bands through the afternoon. At dusk fireworks will be launched from a barge anchored in the sound. The show will be visible all along Ruston way. I will be participating in the vendor village along with tons of great artists from 12-8 pm hosted by Night Market with my unique brand of glass ware. gifts, oddities and collectables for your consumption. I plan on having a fresh run of my popular Skull Tumblers and a selection of these delicate Hexagonal aperitif cups I’ve just started making. And the really wild thing about this is the event is totally Free!