Show some love for the Goodies and Baddies! This weekend at the Punk Rock Flea Market in Tacoma!

Punk Rock Flea Market Tacoma flier

Saturday May 27th Sunday May 28th 11am – 7pm.

ALMA, 1322 Fawcett Ave. Tacoma

PUNK ROCK FLEA MARKET returns to the aromatic environs of Tacoma, at Alma Mater 1322 Fawcett Ave, with our special healing blend of bargains, beats and booze! Hundreds of vendors from across the region will sell their finest wares, DJ’s will fill the air with their sweet noise, we’ll have alcoholic drinks for the grownups, fattening treats for the kids, savory food for pretty much everyone and the kind of open and welcoming atmosphere that makes you wish we could scrap consumer society altogether and just start over!

The PRFM remains an ALL AGES event. Bring the kids, bring your parents, bring the whole damn crew. And we are PROUD to say that since 2006 it costs just ONE DOLLAR to take a deep dive into the bowels of punk rock ephemera while supporting local independent business.

As always, the PRFM supports our friends the Low Income Housing Institute, aka. LIHI, with a donation from our proceeds. LIHI is a non-profit organization that provides homes for homeless and low-income people all around the Puget Sound, and is currently leading the effort to build tiny self –contained houses for homeless people and families around our region. More info about them at

To hear more about up coming art events from Oliver Doriss join our mailing list here.

#punkrockfleamarket #prfm #prfmtacoma #punkrockfleamarkettacoma #vintage #vintagevendors #babyheadcups #babyheadcup #oliverdoriss #shoplocal #tacoma #tacomashopping #fashion #punkfashion #alma #almamater #thingstodointacoma #collectables #livedj #music #djmusic #djlife

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Get excited Seattle! I’m at the New Moon Night Market this Saturday. If you’re looking for fun pull through!

New Moon Seattle Night Market poster

New Moon Night Market on April 22nd, 5pm – 11pm

Decal Tumblers in the Annealer

Once again making the trek up north to Hanger 30. I am happy to announce my participation in the Legendary Seattle Night Market. Last time I was here was super fun, great crowd, bangin’ music, not to mention the amazing vendors.

I will have some new work available and some old favorites. Currently working out the kinks for a line of yard art this season, TBA. Additionally I have a fresh batch of tumblers ready to go for that special drinker in your life.

Baby Head Cups sitting on a stump

Also I am trying out some new colors to fill out the Baby Head spectrum. A Dark Green and a soothing Teal are being added to the line up. Be the first to snatch one up!

Frank the Bunny from Donnie Darko

Along with the drink ware I have some ridiculously funny smiling Bunny Ornaments. a little late for Easter, but it’s never too early for a bunny?

New Moon Seattle Night Market Image with text

New Moon Night Market event page for tickets and information.

Seattle’s largest monthly Night Market is celebrating the New Moon with an illuminated Maker’s Market that transforms the Magnuson Hangar 30 into a festive Spring Night Market. This year’s New Moon Night Market welcomes the return of the high-flying Lucha Libre Volcanica wrestlers outdoors and more fun throiughout.

Stay tuned for programming updates, vendor announcements and food line-up on our Facebook Event Page below.

What’s Inside the New Moon Night Market

21+ Bar Service Areas – Proudly serving Heritage Distilling Co Premium Spirits

  • Main Cocktail Bar (Full Service)
  • Twilight-Themed Pop-Up Bar* (yes the movie)
  • VIP Express Bars* – Canned Cocktails/Beer/ Cider

#SeattleNightMarket #BabyHeadCups #BabyHeadCup #MagnusonPark #ArtFair #HandMadeGlass #UniqueGifts #Hanger30 #ArtWork #ArtCollector #GlassBlowing #ArtLovers #ContemporaryArtist #ArtOfTheDay #LiveMusic #ThingsToDoInSeattle #LuchaLibreVolcanica #Luchadores

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Feel the love! I may not be religious, but I’m celebrating Easter anyway.

Find me at the Bunny Hop this weekend in Tacoma

Bunny Hop Poster

This Sunday pull up after church! I’ll be celebrating Easter Sunday in similar fashion at Dystopian Brewery. Get ready for pinks purples and yellows, as Tacoma Art Market will be doing the Lords work from 12 noon till 5:30 pm. I will be presenting some of my new Easter themed glassware! Enjoy this amazing event to warm even the most chilly heart!

#easter #contemporaryart #artistsofinstagram #artlovers #fineart #artstagram #giftsforher #originalart #artistlife #artmarket #artsale #artistoftheday #artglass #giftsformen #easterrabbit #easterbaby #artonsale #easter2023 #tacomaartmarket #dystopianstatebrewery #babyheadcups #babyheadcup #oliverdoriss #popup #shoplocal #tacoma #thingsttodointacoma #hehasrisen

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Great news! I am part of the spring exhibition at CCMoA.

Cape Cod Museum of Art Logo

SCULPTURE from the archives of the Cape Cod Museum of Art. April 5 – July 9, 2023

Sculpture From the Permanent Collection CCMoA
Shogun Glass Sculpture Detail

Meet Shogun

This piece is from my Cast Glass Vessel exploration. It is undoubtedly one of the stronger works from this series. Equally important for this show, it was locally produced in Massachusetts mid 2000’s at Martha’s Vineyard Glassworks. Shogun in particular showcases the distinctive assembled look indicative of this work. Smooth visual elements are embedded in contrast to the hazed rugged structures. Additionally you can read more about Cast Glass Vessels here.

Red Cast Glass Vessel

SCULPTURE From the CCMoA Permanent Collection
April 5 – July 9, 2023

Cape Cod Museum of Art,
60 Hope Ln Dennis, MA 02638, USA

4 pm – 5 pm  Gallery Talk
5 pm – 6:30 pm  Reception
Free and open to the public. 
RSVP Appreciated

Making of a Cast Glass Vessel
Shelton WA 2003

#fineart #capecod #glasssculpture #artisttalk #capecodlife #fineartgallery #artiststalk #finemodernart #oliverdoriss #castglass #glassblowing #castglassvessels #glassart

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Tacoma Night Market! This Weekeend at The New Freighthouse Square!

Tacoma Night Market Flier

Your Favorite Vendors!

Tacoma Night Market Flier

The Best in local crafts and goodies!

Skull Tumblers
Inspecting the wares.

We are at it again with our new venue by the Tacoma Dome at Freighthouse Square! Unquestionably an authentic Tacoma experience! In addition to my usual wares I am showcasing some updated favorites. In particular I have a new run of my Fossil sculptures. Together with GlassSkull whose unique silver and enamel combo look better than ever. The new location is without a doubt one of the best so far. Also in my years participating in the Tacoma Night Market I feel like the vibe here is just right. See you this weekend!

#tacomanightmarket #babyheadcup #babyheadcups #shoplocal #uniquegifts #giftsformen #tacoma #freighthousesquare #fineart #artfair

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Seattle Night Market – Lunar New Year

Chinese style costumes

Look out Seattle I’m heading North! Tomorrow I am participating in the Lunar New Year Seattle Night Market, located in Magnuson Park at Hangar 30. Doors open at 5pm and the fun goes to 11pm. I will be joined by over 70 other makers and artisans. Food trucks, karoke, DJ’s February 11th celebrating the Lunar New Year for a night of dancing, eating, drinking & shopping. I will have many of my most popular pieces available for purchase along with this year’s Limited edition Valentines Day Baby Head Red Baby Head CupCup, Leather & Lace! I only have a limited quantity of these spicy little numbers so don’t wait!

Seattle Night Market
Shop, snack, drink and dance your way through the historic Magnuson Park, Hangar 30 with over 30,000 sq ft of indoor/outdoor marketplace featuring a 100 booths, food trucks, cocktail bars, photo booth and live entertainment. 21+

Saturday, February 11th | 5:00PM – 11:00PM (NO RE-ENTRY)General Admission | $15 + Eventbrite Fees | One Drink Ticket (Beer / Wine / Cider/ Non-Alcoholic)All Day Happy Hour Pass (VIP)| $25.00 + Eventbrite Fees | LNY Tote Bag & (2) Premium Cocktails. Buy tickets online via eventbrite.

What’s Inside the Lunar New Year Night Market

  • (70) – Makers, Vintage, Imports & Food Purveyors
  • (30) AAPI Makers & Eateries Pop-Up
  • (15) Food Trucks & Street Food Booths (Indoors & Outside)
  • Giant Cocktail Bar (South Lot)
  • VIP Express Bar – Canned Cocktails Beer & Cider (All Day Happy Hour Tickets only inside)
  • Karaoke Bar hosted by Air Scream
  • Music by DJ Tone
  • Axe Throwing (not real axes)
  • Themed VW Bus Photo Booth by Shutterbus


  • Mak Fai Druken Lion Dance (9pm)
  • Chinese Zodiac Sign Tarot Readings
  • AAPI Makers Market Showcase (30 Booths at Eateries)
  • Asian Food Hall (Outdoors)
  • DJ Rpeeezy

#SeattleNightMarket #LunarNewYear #UniqueGifts #ThingsToDo #MagnusonPark #Hanger30 #DJLyfe #BabyHeadCups #BabyHeadCup #SeattleThingsToDo #Karoke #NightLife #AxeThrowing #AirScream #DJTone #ShutterBus #Tarot #DJRpeeezy #Art #ShopLocal

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The Lodge at St. Edward Holiday Market


Baby Head Ornaments Join me this weekend, The Lodge at St. Edward Park in Kenmore WA will be hosting a tree lighting ceremony and Holiday Market event. I will have many of my classic gift designs available along with some new pieces createdOrnaments this year. Ornaments, tumblers, and unique sculptures will be among just a few of the amazing things on display, along with offerings from other local artists and vendors. The Tonsorium Bar will have tasty snacks, house-made festive donuts, hot cider, and holiday cocktails to brighten spirits

Pink Ornament on a BranchThis event runs from 5pm til 7pm, there will be plenty of free parking, also a festive lighting of the Saint Edward Park tree on the North Lawn at dusk. A live choir will be caroling through the evening and, it is rumored to be a special Santa And His Booappearance from Santa himself, rolling up for pictures before flying back to the North Pole. Bring the family and your loved ones.



#shoplocal #handmadeglass #glassblowing #holidayshopping #christmasgifts #uniquegifts #babyheadcup #babyheadcups #TheLodge #StEdwardsPark #handmadetumblers #OliverDoriss #HandMadeGoblets #VenetianStyleGoblets

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Arts at the Armory

Arts at the Armory

December 10th & 11th, 11am – 5pm
At The Tacoma Armory, 1001 S Yakima Ave
Masks required – Free entry

Trophies Display

Join myself and other amazing Tacoma artists the weekend of December 10th for Arts at the Armory. Artists will be presenting work and will be available in person learn about their personal artistic process, ask questions, and purchase one-of-a-kind creations. I will be displaying new works, such as my Trophies a current run of Venetian style goblets, In addition to these I will have some old favorites as well. See you there. -Oliver

Over 100 Tacoma artists working in all artistic disciplines and mediums, welcome you to the spacious Tacoma Armory for a unique interactive arts experience.

3 Traditional Venetian Animal Stemmed Goblets

Artists will be sharing their work and you will have an opportunity to learn about the artistic process, ask questions, and purchase one-of-a-kind creations. Enjoy live music by Kareem Kandi sponsored by KNKX on Saturday, December 10 at 12 pm – 2 pm. There will be a live dance performance sponsored and performed by Syncopation Foundation on Saturday, December 10 at 3-3:45 PM.

Enjoy live music on Sunday, December 11 at noon-1:30pm sponsored and played by Steve and Kristi Nebel. Thanks to our event sponsor, Tacoma Arts Live.December 10 at 12 pm – 2 pm. Thanks to our event sponsor, Tacoma Arts Live.

Three Glass Skulls

Check out the Arts at the Armory website for all the details and to learn more about these participating artists:


Adam Duell, Alyssa Ryann, Amy Lewis, Anita Latch, Anna Holcomb, Bethany Cramer, Cameron Decker, Carla Gramlich, Chandler O’Leary, Chelsea Pratt, Cheryl DeGroot, Christina Vega, Claire Edwards, Claudia Riedener, Collin Veenstra, Cora Wells, Cyan Leder, Dallas Blenz, Daniel Hunter, Darcy Jones, Daria Hembree, David Bader, Deborah Renee, Denise Williams, Devonna Celeste Currah, Diane Katz, Dierdre Patterson, Dion Thomas, Ebony Warren, Elizabeth Cadwallader, Elizabeth Gallagher, Emma Kelly, Ethan Budd, Freyja Knott, Gillian Nordlund, Hadiya Finley, Hans Iverson, Haven Livingston, Holly Knoll, Hugo Cruz-Moro, Jaeda Reed, Joe Gallagher, Johnny Crespo, Jonathan Bolivar, Josh Harriman, Joshua Lee, Juan La Torre, Jules Nemish, Julia White, Katherine Hogan, Kathryn Anderson, Katie Dean, Kcie Monk, Kelley Roberts, Kelsey Alger, Kelsey Parkhurst, Kendyl Chasco, Kenya Shakoor, Laurie Davenport, LeShawn Gamble, Linda Finley, Lucy Nilan, Luna Malia Azzouni, Lynn Di Nino, Lydia K. Valentine, Lyz Kurnitz-Thurlow, Mark Monlux, Mary Mann, Mary Patton, Mauricio Robalino, Mayumi Harris, Michelle Osborne, Mike Murphy, Miranda Hemlee, Miriam Barnett, Nick Stokes, Nicole Turner, Nora Prindle, Nori Kimura, Oliver Doriss, Olivia Sherman, Penny FireHorse, Rachel Heimbigner, Rebecca Connolly, Reggie Mosby, Reid Ozaki, Roxann Murray, Ryan McDonald, Shanna Evanger, Sheila Fore-Williams, Shelly Manteufel, Steve and Kristi Nebel, Steven Grice, Suzanne Skaar, Sydney Hunt, Tacoma Light Trail, Taylor Cox, Teonna Manson-St.Ours, Teresa Owens, Teri Mori, Terry Bader, Tom Comstock, Tonya Kelly, Tracy Painter, Tre James, Trenton Quiocho, and Yoshi Nakagawa

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Tacoma Night Market This Weekend 4.30.22

This weekend I’m setting up my goods at the Foss Waterway Seaport for the ever popular Tacoma Night Market. I have been a part of this market for many years, possibly since it’s inception. It has been amazing watching this market grow, finding it’s voice and ultimately it’s perfect location. The Foss Waterway Seaport is such a location, with it’s spacious lofty construction and the incredible collection of wooden boats this venue has a historical element that is humbling and unique. 

Join me and the other makers this weekend Saturday from 5-10pm and the the lively “Drag Brunch” on Sunday from 11-4. I will have unique items not found on my normal selling platforms along with some new items like the “Tacoma Dicer” my new silver decal drinking tumblers. see you there.

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Keeping it Grimy!

Top of Tacoma BarAs my regular furnace work has declined I have shifted to online sales and local markets for additional revenue. Piecing together ones income through street fairs and makers markets is a bit of a grind. Pack your car, drive in set up, charm the civilians, pray for sales, pack it up, go home. It’s sort of a carnival lifestyle. You get to know the regular vendors, swap stories make friends. It’s not bad hustle, but ultimately it is a bit of a grind.

Now after a full day of vending I am often depleted, so I often treat myself to a warm meal and delicious beverage for self care. On this particular Sunday I found myself at Top of Tacoma a local eatery on the crest of McKinley hill. As my eyes adjusted to the dim interior I realized it was full of many of my favorite people from Tacoma. After a stiff drink and some catching up we got around to current glass pieces I am working on. Introducing Dicer 253 the newest edition to my Tacoma Tumbler series. I enchanted my friends with product pictures on my phone, and it wasn’t long before we were out side making deals in front of the VFW. There I was in the street slangin’ glass out my trunk on a Sunday afternoon. I made half as much money on the corner as I did at the market! What a life! That’s Tacoma! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The Dicer 253 glass tumbler is now available online at Fulcrum Gallery.

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