Although the water has receded, the damage has been done. Aqua Alto meaning The High Tide is a seasonal occurrence that grows worse every year. As a young glass worker I was lucky enough to have been indoctrinated into the Venetian tradition. One of my mentors and friend Maestro Davidé Fuin is a native of the small island of Murano just located off of Venice Italy. It is on this very Island where modern glassblowing has taken shape. Through my years of working and teaching with Davidé in Italy I have developed many friends and family that live and work in the Venetian Lagoon.
This years the Aqua Alto flooded the Venetian Islands 5ft. above the normal level. Many of the local businesses and shops were affected. I reached out to Davidé to see how his furnace faired through the flooding.
“No problem for me fortunately, but all Murano is on the knees, so I started a “gofundme” to support the glassblower community.” -Fuin
Support local Murano glassblowers to rebuild furnaces and studios after high water flood damage. The collected funds will be shared with those who have suffered severe damage and lost weeks of production. Please help us stand again!!
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If you can help financially great! Also these funds will go directly to the glassblowing community ,side stepping any parasitic political bureaucracy. Please forward this message to help us reach this campaign goal! -Oliver